Expertalk is a platform that connects experts and their clients
Set up a virtual office and start work online. Create your expert profile, talk with your clients, give consultancies, send files and documents. Earn money for your work.
Reach the expert community when you need it. Save your time accessing professionals online. Select the best expert to ask your questions and get answers.
Complete information about your expertise and experience, spoken languages, education and much more.
Secured payments and daily payouts in two clicks.
Promote yourself, share a link to your prefessional profile.
We guarantee simple and fair billing for you and your client.
Charge for documnets you have completed. Client pays when downloads.
Accounts are free both for Experts and Users.
You should be registered as an expert or you can convert your User account to an Expert account in your profile page. You should fill in your profile data and set a price you wish to earn for 1h consultation including 15% platform fee. Connect Stripe Express account to accept payments.
You should be registered as an Expert. Click a ‘Connect Stripe’ button in your profile page. Stripe will collect all required information to accept payments and do payouts to your bank account. You can revisit your Stripe account from the profile page.
You can charge your clients for the video calls and for the files sent through the text messenger. Text messages are free.
Set a price for 1 hour call in your profile. Set a price for a file before uploading. Please note that we will collect a 15% platform fee for any transaction. Minimal transaction is $2. All charges will be collected in your Stripe account. We will do a payout to your bank account once a week.
A User is able to call an Expert. An Expert is only able to accept incoming calls. Calls are charged per minute based on Expert’s hourly rate. Only full minutes are counted. Before the call we will hold an amount for 30 min. If a call lasts less than 30 min we will refund the rest. If a call lasts longer than 30 min we will charge for additional minutes, but not less than $2.
Both Users and Experts are able to send files to the text chat. An Expert could optionally set a price for a file before upload. A User will be charged an amount when he or she downloads this file. Once a file has been paid, it will be available for download forever. Note that a User may not download a file and may not pay for it.
If you have any other questions, please contact us: